martes, 16 de julio de 2013

16th of July

Bona tarda! Tarda tranquil·leta amb "nail painting" "painting" "baking", aquesta vegada un pa de pessic irlandès I hem estat també assajant la cançó de dijous i jugant a futbol.

Traditional Irish Sponge Cake


125g Plain Flour
125g Sugar
4 eggs


1.     Weigh Ingredients.
2.     Pre-Heat oven to 180’C.
3.     Grease 2 tins with some Margarine/Butter and place grease proof paper on the bottom of the 2 tins.
4.     Sieve Flour into a bowl.
5.     Add sugar & eggs.
6.     Whisk until light & fluffy. (this could take 5+ minutes depending on your electric mixer)
7.     Pour mixture equally into the tins & bake for 20-25mins.
8.     After they are cooked remove the grease proof paper from the bottom of the cakes & let them cool.

9.     Add whipped cream,  jam, fruit.

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